I built a garbage collector for a language that doesn't need one

Clayton Ramsey - 2023-08-14

If carcinization happens when languages evolve to be more like Rust, then what do you call it when Rust evolves to be more like Java? Caffeination?

Over this summer, I’ve had a decent amount of time to kill. What better way to spend a beautiful hot summer than sitting inside, staring at core dumps in a supposedly memory-safe language? I built a garbage collector - in short, a piece of software that manages allocations for another, more exciting piece of software. The cool part: I made it in Rust, for Rust - a language designed to eliminate garbage collection and which provides few facilities for making it work properly. Not only that, I managed to make my garbage collector work with relatively few compromises, which I’ll describe in further detail lower down.

If you don’t like reading, don’t care about the journey to implement it, or just want to get a sales pitch for the final result, check out the source code on GitHub here. You can also download it directly from crates.io.


If you’re familiar with the details of Rust and its standard library, feel free to skip this section.

The core backing behind Rust’s memory model is affine typing and the borrow checker. Values may only be bound to one identifier at a time, and borrows (a.k.a. references) may not outlive the scope binding their referent.

For example, the following code is invalid:

let x = vec![1, 2, 3];
let y = x;
println!("{x:?}"); // compile error - x has already been moved

Normally, we work around this by borrowing against a binding, such as by making y = &x in the example above. However, we often need to share some heap-allocated value without knowing which binding will live the longest. The solution to this problem is shared ownership via garbage collection.

Rust’s standard library offers two simple reference-counted garbage collectors: the single-threaded Rc and its atomically-indexed counterpart Arc. They operate by maintaining a reference count in each heap allocation. Under most circumstances, these work great, but they can’t handle cyclic references. Combined with interior mutability, it’s trivial to refute them.

use std::{cell::OnceCell, rc::Rc};
struct Foo(OnceCell<Rc<Foo>>);

let x = Rc::new(Foo(OnceCell::new()));
// My foo has a reference to itself. It can never be freed!

This is why people actually get paid money to build garbage collectors. If using a reference counter were all you needed, a number of people working at Oracle would be out of a job.

Battle plan

We’d like to create some Gc data structure with a similar API to Rc and Arc, which can accept nearly any data type contained within, and still manage to detect and collect cycles.

We have a few weapons at our disposal:

However, our formidable tools are matched by equally formidable challenges:

With these two, relatively simple tools, we have enough to build a collector which can handle just about any data type inside.

My approach

We need to detect whether a Gc is reachable without actually scanning the stack. I’ll start with a few definitions, using graph-theoretical language.

  1. An allocation graph G=(V,E,r) is a directed graph with a root node rV whose indegree is zero.
  2. A node v in an allocation graph is said to be accessible if and only if there exists a path from r to v in the graph.

It should be clear to see why these definitions are useful to us. We can imagine each node being one allocation, pretending that all data not indirected through a Gc is part of an imaginary allocation for the root. Additionally, each Gc acts as an edge connecting two allocations. If an allocation is accessible in the graph-theoretical sense, it’s still possible for a program to reach it, and if not, it’s safe to free that allocation. Note that the indegree of a node is precisely equal to the reference count of its corresponding allocation.

I’ll roughly outline our approach to determining whether some node n:r is accessible.

  1. Find W, the set of all descendants of n. Construct the subgraph H of G whose vertex set is W, preserving all edges connecting nodes in W.
  2. Find the set of nodes AW for which the indegree of each aA in H is not equal to its indegree in G.
  3. For each aA, mark it and its descendants as accessible.
  4. If and only if n was marked as accessible, it is accessible.

Here’s a serpentine implementation in pseudocode, if that’s what you prefer.

def is_accessible(n):
    counts = {n: n.indegree()}
    for (_, m) in n.edges():
        dfs(m, counts)

    reachable = set()
    for (a, count) in counts:
        if count != 0:
            mark(a, reachable)

    return n in reachable

def dfs(n, counts):
    if n not in counts.keys():
        counts[n] = n.indegree()
        for (_, m) in n.edges():
            dfs(m, counts)

    counts[n] -= 1

def mark(a, reachable):
    if a not in reachable:
        for (_, b) in a.edges():
            mark(b, reachable)

It should be pretty clear to see that is_accessible runs in O(|V|+|E|) time.

Reference counting with extra steps

Our single-threaded Gc will behave much like an Rc, but with some minor details changed.

First, we define a Gc and the allocation it points to, a GcBox.

pub struct Gc<T: ?Sized> {
    ptr: NonNull<GcBox<T>>

struct GcBox<T: ?Sized> {
    ref_count: Cell<usize>,
    value: T

We can then hook into the Drop behavior for our Gc to make it all work.

impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for Gc<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let box_ref = unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() };
        match box_ref.ref_count.get() {
            0 => (),
            n => {
                box_ref.ref_count.set(n - 1);
                if n == 1 || !is_accessible(box_ref) {
                    unsafe {
                        dealloc(ptr.as_ptr().cast(), Layout::for_value(ptr.as_ref()));

I, being very clever, decided to use a sentinel value of 0 for the reference count when an allocation is being cleaned up (to prevent spurious double-frees).

However, this code has a problem - how the hell are we supposed to implement is_accessible?

Trait hackery

Our pseudocode for is_accessible required us to be able to access the set of edges going out from a node. Doing so is kind of hard. If we were writing this in C, we would scan the allocation on the heap, looking for data that looked like they could be pointers into other allocations. In Rust, though, we can be a lot more precise by adding a small constraint to every garbage-collected type.

If the garbage collector wasn’t enough, we’re bringing the visitor pattern over from Java. We force every garbage-collected value to implement the Collectable trait, which will delegate some Visitor to each of its garbage-collected fields.

pub struct Gc<T: Collectable + ?Sized> {
   // same as before ...

pub trait Collectable {
    fn accept<V: Visitor>(&self, visitor: &mut V);

pub trait Visitor {
    fn visit_gc<T: Collectable + ?Sized>(&mut self, gc: &Gc<T>);

For example, an array might implement it by delegating to accept on each of its elements.

impl<T: Collectable> Collectable for [T] {
    fn accept<V: Visitor>(&self, visitor: &mut V) {
        self.iter().for_each(|elem| elem.accept(visitor));

We can now write code that finds the outgoing edges from each allocation by simply applying a visitor to the allocation. I ended up writing two visitors - one for the dfs step and one for the mark step.

I would have liked to make Collectable object-safe, but that would also require Visitor to be object safe. That, in turn, would cause every garbage collector to be coercible to Gc<dyn Collectable>, which would only be possible on nightly, making it impossible to write a stable crate.

Bulk dropping

A cursory analysis of the implementation of Drop above shows that the call to is_accessible runs in linear time with respect to the total number of Gcs existing. You would be excused for thinking that drop, as written, runs in linear time. However, the call to drop_in_place could also result in another Gc being dropped, yielding a quadratic-time cleanup. This is unacceptable, especially since our first call to is_accessible actually did all the work of determining whether the allocations are reachable from the original one - if the original allocation being freed was inaccessible, any allocation referred to by it should also be inaccessible.

We can save our time on marking by a pretty simple method: we’ll do one more pass through the reference graph, recording a pointer to each allocation to be destroyed and its implementation of drop. Then, once we’ve found every inaccessible allocation, we’ll drop them all in one quick go.

There’s one final problem, though: each Gc owned by a dropped value could itself try to manipulate the reference counts of its pointees, resulting in undefined behavior, or worse, slow code. However, all problems in computer science can be solved by adding more state or more indirection. We opt to solve it with extra state this time, creating a thread-local value called COLLECTING.

When we do a bulk-drop, we set COLLECTING to true. Then, when we call drop on a Gc, it checks the state of COLLECTING. If COLLECTING is true, the Gc does nothing when dropped (not even affecting its reference count). To handle outbound edges to still-accessible allocations, we add one more traversal before the final cleanup to handle outbound edges.

Let’s take a look at what the code for that roughly looks like now.

thread_local! {
    static COLLECTING: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false);

impl<T: Collectable + ?Sized> Drop for Gc<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if COLLECTING.with(Cell::get) { return; }
        let box_ref = unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() };
        match box_ref.ref_count.get() {
            0 => (),
            1 => {
                unsafe {
                    dealloc(ptr.as_ptr().cast(), Layout::for_value(ptr.as_ref()));
            n => {
                box_ref.ref_count.set(n - 1);
                unsafe { collect(self.ptr) };

collect is the function we’ll write to check if the allocation is accessible and perform a bulk cleanup if needed. There’s one more problem before we can implement collect, though: our psuedocode required us to be able to store each allocation as a key in counts and also to access the allocation’s neighbors. This means we have to use a little bit of type erasure to achieve our ends. I won’t go into too much detail, but we need to be able to do two things:

Due to the limitations of Rust, these are actually mutually exclusive. Because it’s undefined behavior (due to provenance issues) to compare the raw data in pointers, we can’t erase a pointer and then use it as a key in a hash-map. However, we can’t just get a pointer to the first byte of the allocation, because our allocation could be ?Sized.

As a result, my implementation actually has two different kinds of erased pointers: a thin pointer which can be used for comparisons and a fat pointer which can be used to reconstruct a pointer to any type.

struct AllocationId(NonNull<Cell<usize>>); // used as a key in hash-maps
struct ErasedPtr([usize; 2]);              // used as a reconstructible pointer to the allocation

Then, all the functions which need to know the type information of the allocation (such as dfs and mark) can be stored opaquely as function pointers, and when called, they can “rehydrate” the ErasedPtr passed in with type information.

Below, I’ve included an example of how it can be used to implement dfs.

unsafe fn dfs<T: Collectable + ?Sized>(
    ptr: ErasedPtr,
    counts: &mut HashMap<AllocationId, usize>
) {
    struct DfsVisitor<'a> {
       counts: &'a mut HashMap<AllocationId, usize>,

    impl Visitor for DfsVisitor<'_> {
        fn visit_gc<U>(&mut self, gc: &Gc<U>) {
            let id = AllocationId::new(gc.ptr);

            if counts.insert(id, unsafe { gc.ptr.as_ref().ref_count.get() }) {

            *counts.get_mut(&id).unwrap() -= 1;
    // pretend that `specify` converts the pointer back into NonNull<T>
    let specified = ptr.specify::<T>();
    specified.as_ref().accept(&mut DfsVisitor { counts });

I won’t include the implementation of collect here because it’s lengthy and not even the final revision of the cleanup algorithm, but you can trust me that it works. After much gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair, this is finally enough to achieve bulk dropping, making calling drop() on a Gc a linear-time operation.


What’s that, you say? You need your reference operations to work in O(1) time? Why are programmers these days so picky?

Luckily, it isn’t too hard to make our garbage-collection efforts terminate in average-case O(1) time. Instead of calling collect directly, we’ll just punt the allocation, which may be inaccessible, into a set of “dirty” allocations. In my code, I call that set a dumpster. Then, once every |E| times an allocation is dropped, we’ll go through the whole dumpster and collect them all in O(|E|) time. Amortized across all allocations, that’s technically O(1), enabled by the same accounting wizardry that makes array-backed lists useful and that caused the 2008 financial crisis.

To save ourselves a little bit of work, whenever an allocation is accessed (such as by dereferencing or cloning), we can yank the allocation away from that same dirty set since it was just proven to be accessible.

Are we concurrent yet?

So far, the garbage collector I’ve been outlining to you has been a single-threaded collector, which can only store thread-local garbage-collected values. I’m told that all code worth writing ends up being concurrent, so we have to do better than that. Lucky for us, this algorithm can be made to operate concurrently with little effort, assuming that only one thread collects at a time.

However, even if only one thread is collecting, we can still run into some nasty concurrency issues. Let’s imagine that we have 2 allocations, a and b, plus the imaginary “root” allocation r , where a can only be accessed from r and b can only be accessed from a.

Now, consider performing a depth-first search starting from a. First, we record that a has 1 unaccounted-for-reference in counts. Then, we move on to looking at b because it’s one of a’s children.

However, between when we record a’s reference count and examine b, another malicious thread mutates b, adding a back-reference from b to a.

Then, the depth-first search will return to a, decrement the number of unaccounted references, and assume that all incoming references to a and b were totally accounted for (and therefore inaccessible). Then the garbage collector would happily destroy a and b’s allocations, leaving a dangling reference to the heap, potentially causing a use-after-free or other gnarly memory errors.

Resolving concurrency

The simplest solution to this concurrency issue is to just wrap everything in a big fat lock by forcing every single operation involving a Gc to acquire a single global mutex, preventing any sort of concurrency bugs at all. However, that’s ridiculously slow.

We’d like to have an approach that only needs to achieve mutual exclusion over a small subset of all allocations if at all possible. To do so, let’s take a closer look at our concurrency problem: we can see that we only really get erroneous results when another thread mutates the subgraph H as we interact with it. The solution is quite clever - we tag every Gc with a special number, which I’ll call a collecting tag.

First, we’ll add a global atomic integer called the COLLECTING_TAG.

static COLLECTING_TAG: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

Whenever we create or clone a new Gc, we’ll annotate it with the current value of COLLECTING_TAG.

// this new `Gc` type is intended to be `Sync`.

pub struct Gc<T: Collectable + Send + Sync + ?Sized> {
    ptr: NonNull<GcBox<T>>,
    tag: AtomicUsize,

impl <T: Collectable + Send + Sync + ?Sized> Gc<T> {
    pub fn new(x: T) -> Gc<T> {
        // (other bookkeeping hidden)

        Gc {
            ptr: /* initialization of GcBox<T> */,
            tag: COLLECTING_TAG.load(Ordering::Relaxed),

Next, at the start of the collection process, we’ll increment the value of COLLECTING_TAG just before we call dfs.

fn collect() {
    COLLECTING_TAG.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
    // carry on with DFS and such

Lastly, whenever we encounter a Gc during the dfs process, we’ll check its tag. If the tag is equal to the current value of COLLECTING_TAG, that means the Gc was created after dfs started. If so, then whatever spot we found the Gc in must have been accessible, and we can mark it as so. To prevent us from visiting the same edge twice (due to shenanigans), we’ll also update the tag on every edge we visit to the value of COLLECTING_TAG.

Let’s return to our broken example to show how this modification fixes it. We return to our reference graph with a pointing to b and r pointing to a. Since every Gc must be annotated with a tag, let’s say they’re all tagged with 0.

Next, when dfs begins, COLLECTING_TAG is incremented to 1. As a result, the new reference created by a malicious thread must be tagged with 1.

Now, when dfs visits the edge pointing from b to a, it sees that the reference is labeled with a tag of 1, and therefore both b and a must be accessible - no accidental early deallocations here.

Moving in and out

We might hope that tagging the pointers is sufficient to prevent all concurrency bugs. However, this is sadly not enough. To show why, we’ll begin with an example.

First, let’s imagine an allocation called x , which contains two optional references to itself.

struct X {
    x1: Mutex<Option<Gc<X>>>,
    x2: Mutex<Option<Gc<X>>>,

At the start of our example, there will be only one Gc pointing from inside x to itself, and the other slot that can hold a Gc will be empty. x is accessible directly from the root allocation r , and all existing references are tagged with 0. For the sake of clarity, I’ll draw the arrow representing the first slot in x with a solid line and the second slot with a dashed line.

Now, let’s have dfs begin, starting at x .

  1. We increment COLLECTING_TAG to 1.
  2. dfs records that x has 2 unaccounted-for references at the start.
  3. dfs visits the x ’s first slot and tags the currently-existing self reference in that slot. x now has 1 unaccounted-for reference.
  4. A malicious thread intervenes, first moving the Gc from x ’s first slot to r , then moving the original Gc which connected r to x into x ’s second slot.
    fn do_evil(r_to_x: Gc<X>) {
        let z = std::mem::take(&mut *r_to_x.x1.lock().unwrap());
        *z.x2.lock().unwrap() = r_to_x;
  5. dfs continues, now visiting the second slot in x . Seeing another reference to x , we decrement the number of unaccounted-for references to 0.
  6. dfs found no ancestors of x with unaccounted-for ancestors, so we free x . However, x is still accessible!

This problem stumped me for a decent while. It seems impossible to prevent other threads from do-si-do-ing every Gc pointing to an allocation in order to fool our search. Luckily, there is a way through. Since tagging every Gc worked out for us before, we’ll try tagging every allocation.

struct GcBox<T: Collectable + Send + Sync + ?Sized> {
    ref_count: AtomicUsize,
    tag: AtomicUsize,
    value: T

Next, every time a Gc is dereferenced, we’ll update the tag in the allocation to the current value of COLLECTING_TAG.

impl<T: Collectable + Send + Sync + ?Sized> std::ops::Deref for GcBox<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
        let box_ref: &GcBox<T> = unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() };
        box_ref.tag.store(COLLECTING_TAG.load(Ordering::Acquire), Ordering::Release);

Whenever dfs observes that the tag on an allocation is equal to COLLECTING_TAG, that means that the allocation was accessed, and therefore accessible. In order to shuffle references around in our above example, the malicious thread would have to dereference a Gc, notifying the search and preventing an early deallocation.

In fact, this is enough to prove that dfs will never incorrectly mark an allocation as inaccessible, even under concurrent execution. This blog post is already rather long, so I’ll only provide a rough sketch of the proof.

Theorem: dfs will never erroneously mark an allocation as inaccessible.


  1. If dfs encounters a Gc created after dfs begins, it will know that the referent is accessible.
  2. Due to (1), if dfs marked some allocation a as inaccessible, it must have only visited Gcs pointing to a which existed before dfs began.
  3. Weakening the statement from (2), if dfs marked some allocation a as inaccessible, it must have only visited Gcs pointing to a which existed when a’s reference count was recorded.
  4. dfs never visits a Gc while it points from the root allocation r to any other allocation.
  5. dfs must visit every Gc which pointed to an allocation at the point when its reference count was recorded in order to mark it as inaccessible.
  6. Due to (4) and (5), if a is marked as inaccesssible, any Gc which at any point connected r to a must have been moved to connect another node (not r ) to a.
  7. Due to (6), there is no lifetime 'x which can borrow against a Gc pointing from r to a and last between when dfs first visits a and when it last visits a.
  8. The final Gc to move into a before dfs must have been moved while another borrow against a Gc pointing from r to a existed. Let the lifetime of that borrow be 'y.
  9. Because 'y lasts longer than the final move, 'y can be extended to last arbitrarily long, even until after dfs has finished visiting every Gc pointing to a.
  10. Due to (7), 'y must not have existed before dfs first visited a. Therefore, if a is erroneously marked as inaccessible, a Gc pointing to a must have been dereferenced to generate a borrow with lifetime 'y.
  11. If a Gc pointing to a was dereferenced before the last time dfs visited a Gc pointing to a, then dfs would have observed that a’s tag had changed. Therefore, if an allocation was erroneously marked as inaccessible, it must have been marked as accessible. Therefore no allocations were ever erroneously marked as inacessible by dfs. QED.

This proof is relatively handwavy, but it should be possible for an astute reader to fill in the details. I will leave it to such astute readers to prove the complementary proof to this; namely, that dfs will never erroneously mark an allocation as accessible.

I also think that it’s really cool that the entire mechanism of the correctness of this approach is totally supported by Rust’s borrow checking semantics. It makes the whole thing feel like it fits right in.

It’s the weak ones that count

There’s one more cause for memory safety issues from concurrency. If an allocation is freed because its reference count reached zero, it could still be accessible by another thread because it was stored in the global dumpster. We can’t guarantee that we’ve obliterated all references to that allocation from every other thread’s memory, so it seems like we’re hosed.

However, there’s no problem in computer science that can’t be solved by adding more state. Taking a leaf from Rc’s book and adapting it liberally, we annotate each allocation with a “weak” reference count, which is the number of times it’s referenced by a dumpster or cleanup thread. We’ll rename our original reference count to be the strong count instead.

struct GcBox<T: Collectable + Send + Sync + ?Sized> {
    strong: AtomicUsize,
    weak: AtomicUsize,
    tag: AtomicUsize,
    value: T,

Then, when dropping the last strong reference to a Gc, we first check that its weak reference count is nonzero before we can deallocate it. If not, it’s the cleanup threads’ problem to take care of it.

Whenever an allocation is removed from a dumpster and about to be thrown away by a thread running a cleanup procedure, the thread decrements the weak count of the allocation and checks if both the weak and strong count have reached zero. If so, that thread can then safely destroy the allocation.


Imagine that we want to create a Gc<Mutex<()>>, and then drop a Gc pointing to it while the Mutex is locked.

let gc1 = Gc::new(Mutex::new(()));
let gc2 = gc1.clone();

let guard = gc1.lock()?;
drop(gc2); // suppose this triggers a cleanup

While traversing the reference graph, the dfs visitor would attempt to visit the mutex, lock it, and try to carry on. However, since the same thread that triggered the allocation still holds a guard to that mutex, the thread would deadlock disastrously. Lucky for us, we know that any allocation with a held mutex guard must still be accessible (due to Mutex’s excellent API), so we can be certain that if we fail to acquire a mutex, we have immediate proof that an allocation is accessible.

To take advantage of that, we’ll make visiting a collectable type a fallible operation, and make it so that failing to acquire a lock also fails the visit.

pub trait Collectable {
    fn accept<V: Visitor>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> Result<(), ()>;

pub trait Visitor {
    fn visit_gc<T: Collectable + ?Sized>(&mut self, gc: &Gc<T>) -> Result<(), ()>;

impl<T: Collectable + ?Sized> Collectable for Mutex<T> {
    fn accept<V: Visitor>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> Result<(), ()> {
        // pretend poison errors don't exist
        self.try_lock().map_err(|_| ())?.accept(visitor);

Sharing your dumpsters

A hand-drawn garbage truck in ink on a white background. It’s crudely done, as if drawn by the sort of person who knows what perspective is but doesn’t quite understand how it works.

You’ve made it this far into this (admittedly rather lengthy) post. Enjoy this hand-drawn picture by yours truly.

When implementing this garbage collector, one of the biggest bottlenecks with concurrent performance is accessing the one, global dumpster every single time a Gc is dropped. If using a Mutex<HashMap>, this will remove nearly all parallelism from the whole system and make you wonder why you paid all that money for a 16-core computer.

As a result, any sane person might lean for a concurrent hashmap. There are many Rust implementations - I tried chashmap but gave up on it due to a rare panic bug, and then I tried dashmap, which worked fine but was too slow as thread counts increased.

The heart of the issue is that concurrently updating any data structure is going to be slow. Even so-called “concurrent” data structures which use clever sharded locks have this issue - there’s always some contention overhead. The best workaround to concurrency slowdowns is to just not do things concurrently. We can fix this by making every thread have its own dumpster, and then having a global collection of to-be-cleaned allocations which I’ll call the garbage truck. Whenever another allocation is marked dirty, we can check if this thread’s dumpster is full according to some heuristic, and if so, transfer all the allocations from this thread’s dumpster to the garbage truck. I’ve included some pseudocode for the whole process below.

dumpster = set() # local to this thread
garbage_truck = mutex(set()) # global to all threads

def mark_dirty(allocation):
    if is_full(dumpster):
        for trash_bag in dumpster:
        dumpster = set()

If is_full returns true rarely enough, there will be almost no contention over the garbage truck. This means that the concurrency overhead is vastly reduced and we get to pocket some great performance returns.

Okay, but how fast is it?

In short, this garbage collector runs pretty fast!

In the end, I made two different garbage collector implementations - one which is thread-local, saving us from all the concurrency headaches, and another thread-safe one that has all the bells and whistles at the cost of some performance. Borrowing from once_cell’s API, the former lives in the unsync module of the crate and the latter in sync.

Next, I collected all the garbage collectors I could find in order to compare them. I selected all the ones which had a similar API to dumpster, were published on crates.io, and actually worked.

Name Concurrent? Like dumpster?
dumpster (unsync)
dumpster (sync)
gcmodule yes, but with a different API

I excluded the ones that didn’t have a dumpster-like API because it would have been a pain to set up a benchmarking harness to handle them. If you feel this is poor diligence, you can go benchmark them yourself. I also included Rc and Arc, even though they don’t collect cycles, because they’re a decent baseline for the minimum performance of a garbage collector. During my research, I also found that bacon-rajan-cc doesn’t initiate collections of its own accord, so I added a version of each of dumpster’s garbage collectors which doesn’t automatically trigger collections in the spirit of competitive fairness. Those versions are labeled as “manual.” Lastly, I found that gcmodule simply stack-overflows and sometimes segfaults when facing extremely large collection loads, so I removed it from the benchmark set.

As my benchmark, I decided to do the very simplest thing I could think of: have a bunch of allocations randomly add and remove references to each other in a loop, dropping and creating new allocations as well. To account for random noise, I ran 100 trials of each garbage collector doing 1 million operations. Each operation is either the creation of a reference or a deletion.

First, I ran a benchmark of all the garbage collectors, measuring pure single-threaded performance. I’ve shown my benchmark results as a set of violin plots below, relating runtime to frequency.

A violin plot, titled “Single-threaded GC comparison.” The x-axis is labeled “Runtime for 1M ops (ms),” and the y-axis is labeled “Garbage collector,” with various collectors labeled on the ticks. In order, the garbage collectors on the y-axis are Arc, Rc, shredder, bacon-rajan-cc, gc, dumpster (sync/manual), dumpster (sync), dumpster (unsync/manual), and dumpster (unsync). The x-axis ranges from 0 ms to 4000 ms. All of the violins, except for shredder’s, are very near to the left side. The violin labeled “shredder” is far off to the right side, with a mean of roughly 3700ms.

This plot doesn’t tell us much other than that shredder is slow. To take a closer look, let’s remove shredder from the list and see what we find.

The same violin plot as before, but now shredder’s violin and y-axis label have been removed. The x-axis now varies from 40 to 160 ms. The violin labeled Rc is furthest to the left, followed by Arc, bacon-rajan-cc, dumpster (unsync), dumpster (unsync/manual), dumpster (sync/manual), gc, and finally dumpster (sync).

dumpster’s unsync implementation is in a decent position, beat out only by the non-cycle-detecting allocators and bacon-rajan-cc. bacon-rajan-cc has very little overhead and is quite performant.

I think there are two main reasons why the concurrent version of the garbage collector is much slower than the single-threaded one. First, moving allocations from a thread-local dumpster to the global garbage truck takes some time. Second, the dfs operation in a concurrent environment must record the current set of children of an allocation, typically in a separate heap-allocated structure, to prevent some concurrency bugs. It’s certainly possible to mitigate the losses from the first issue, but the second is harder to handle.

My guess as to why the concurrent version is significantly slower when using automatic collection triggering is that it’s a consequence of my testing harness. Currently, it runs all the tests in a loop, so the single-threaded benchmark could run directly after the multi-threaded one and be forced to clean up some of its garbage.

In any event, let’s move on to the results from the multi-threaded benchmark.

A scatter plot, titled “Parallel garbage collector scaling.” The x-axis is labeled “Number of threads” and varies from 1 to 16. The y-axis is labeled “Time for 1M ops (ms)” and varies from 0 to 3500. On the legend, there are four series: dumpster (sync), dumpster (sync/manual), shredder, and Arc. The points associated with shredder’s series start out at 3500ms for 1 thread, scaling asymptotically down to roughly 1800ms at 6 threads. All other points are very close to zero.

The only other concurrent garbage collector available for me to test against was shredder, and it looks like it wasn’t much of a competition.

A scatter plot, titled “Parallel garbage collector scaling (sans shredder).” The x-axis remains the same as before, but now the y-axis only goes up to 200ms. “shredder” has been removed from the legend, but otherwise it is the same as the previous image. The points associated with dumpster (sync) and dumpster (sync/manual) start out at roughly 80 ms for 1 thread, jump up to about 110 ms for 2 threads, then decrease asymptotically to around 70 ms for 16 threads. Meanwhile, the points associated with Arc start out at roughly 70 ms for 1 thread and decrease asymptotically with the thread count to around 25 ms for 15 threads.

dumpster doesn’t scale as smoothly as I’d like with thread count, but it’s a relief that performance does actually improve with thread count, except for the jump from one thread to two. I think being only 3x slower than Arc is a decent victory, especially for a project that I wasn’t paid any money to do. I’m not much of an expert at high-performance computing in concurrent situations, so trying to optimize this further would likely just be an adventure in trying random things and seeing if they yield an improvement. If anyone out there has clever ideas on how to optimize this approach, let me know! My email is on the “About” page.


Over the last few months, I built a garbage collector for Rust from scratch. I implemented a novel (ish) algorithm of my own design, got it to work in both single-threaded and multi-threaded contexts, and showed that it was actually pretty performant.

The implementation of this crate is now up on crates.io and available for anyone to download. It’s licensed under the GNU GPLv3.

Special thanks to Wisha, Charlie, and Shreyas for reviewing this post, fielding my bad questions, and putting up with me rambling about this for nearly two months straight.


I have a few things that I thought were interesting along the way but didn’t quite have a good spot to include in the story above, so they’ll all be mish-mashed in here.

Ode to bad good ideas

The final, polished solution you see in this blog post is actually quite far from my original idea. In particular, almost all of my first ideas for handling concurrency didn’t work. Here’s a quick roll of them all:

Cool nightly tricks

Rc and the other pointer types are somewhat “blessed” in that they can access nightly features from the Rust compiler and still be consumed by stable projects. dumpster has no such blessings.

I would like to implement CoerceUnsized unconditionally for all my garbage collectors, but that’s simply not possible on stable yet.

Likewise, pending the implementation of strict provenance, there’s actually no way for a stable crate to manipulate the address portion of a fat pointer. This means that even if I found some space optimization using lower bit tagging, I wouldn’t be able to use it because it’s gated behind a nightly feature.

Another path to Gc<dyn T>

Without the ability to coerce Gc as an unsized type, I can’t make Collectable object safe due to the function signature of accept, which forces Visitor to also be object-safe, forcing visit operations to also be object-safe.

I’ve thought of a slightly different approach, though. We can make Visitor a single concrete type, and that makes Collectable trivially object-safe. The downside here is that I would then have to store all 5 of my current visitor implementations in the same structure, and that loses a lot of my nice type safety features and adds a large runtime penalty. I’m not very happy with that idea, though.

Miri rules

I would probably not have been able to finish this project without cargo miri. If you haven’t heard of it, you should download it right now and run all of your Rust projects with it. It’s such a fantastic tool for debugging unsafe code that I wish I could have it in other languages, too - valgrind is a poor substitute for it when using C.

Testing and debugging

Early on, I had just a few handwritten tests. The first reference graph that I found that gave me trouble looked like this:

However, once I had simple graphs with multiple cycles down, it was hard to come up with new tests. As a result, I resorted to fuzzing, using the same approach as my benchmark - randomly generating references and then seeing if they got cleaned up properly.

Debugging the results of those fuzzed tests absolutely sucked, though. The experience of trying to find the source of an issue was awful, so I ended up having to make some (crude) tools to make the process easier. Eventually, I had settled on printing out the reference graph at choice times during the run of my tests and then visualizing them to get a good guess of what was wrong. However, when making the concurrent implementation, printing something can change the execution behavior of the program. Not only that, it’s not always obvious what the issue is. I had one bug which only occurred after several thousand operations had completed, resulting in reference graphs that looked like this:

The graph above was made by fuzzing my garbage collector, using the same approach as my benchmarks.